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作者:安德里亚 Schmitt
对一些人来说,在长时间的停顿之后回到寄宿学校可能是一件快乐的事情, 但对许多人来说,这是一种拖累. 我甚至可以说,一些老师和工作人员在这些节日庆祝活动结束后也有同样的感受. Maybe you’ve visited your family and friends in another country. 如果你是一名国际学生, 你可能正在经历巨大的温度变化(从炎热的墨西哥到寒冷的加拿大),或者从亚洲长途飞行后还在倒时差. 如果你是走读学生,所有关于异国情调的故事都听不完. 在那个冬天,它没有帮助, with its low temperatures and often grey skies, 会在这里待几个月…
So, if you’re not feeling your best now, keep reading. 我提到过 适应曲线 at the beginning of the school year, and I’m bringing it up again now. 为什么? 因为它会帮助你了解你并不孤单,世界各地的人都很难适应和重新适应过渡期. The topic is so popular that it has been studied over and over. 你可能会有复杂的感受. 这也可能看起来像你要么重新开始,要么已经回到了曲线上. 这是完全正常的! Maybe you didn’t experience anything in September, and now it hit you. Just know that it will take some time to settle back in and get used to SC, 你的房间, 还有这里的人.
Is there anything you can do to help yourself manage it well? 是的! 以下是一些建议:
  • Have a look at the curve and find out which stage you’re at:
A diagram of a cultural 适应曲线Description automatically generated
  • 回到我的 以前的文章 and read about the characteristics of the different stages.
  • 意识到你已经在9月份开始了新学年,你已经走了这么远. 你也会通过这个挑战的. 就像一月是新的九月.
  • 承认你现在的状态. 你有什么感觉?? Are you feeling angry, sad, irritated, resentful, or homesick? 还有其他感觉吗??
  • Think about some encouraging words you would say to a good friend. Now address them to yourself, like, “It’s okay to feel this way. 一个月后你就会好起来的.”
  • 如果你觉得这样做很舒服的话,可以和你的朋友们分享你的感受. If not, talk to your parents, siblings, or friends at home about it. 或者你可以向你的舍监、辅导员、你最喜欢的老师或工作人员提一下. Make an appointment with the school counselor, 护士, 以及健康中心的工作人员,并获得有关个性化社会情感支持的想法.
  • Maintain regular contact with people you like back home, family, and friends. Set aside the time to call, text, and FaceTime them. 把它列入你的日程. Plan it; if not, the days will just go by, and you’ll “try calling tomorrow.” Before you know it, another week has gone by, and you’re feeling the same….
  • 让你的父母和朋友定期联系你,如果他们在x天内没有收到你的消息.
  • 你听说过“爱心包裹”吗?? Ask your family if they won’t mind surprising you with one occasionally. Maybe browse together which ones you would like. There are good ones with skincare, snacks, games, art supplies, books, etc.
  • 把你喜欢做的活动和事情列一个清单,这些活动和事情总能让你感觉很好. Include quick and easy as well as longer ones. 例如:洗个澡,画10分钟的素描,或者步行去参加传统活动. 在充满挑战的日子里,把清单放在手边.
  • Did you enjoy playing a board or card game over the break? 试着和SC的人一起玩游戏.
  • If you haven’t decorated 你的房间, now might be a good moment to do so. 找一个新枕头,打印一些照片,用蓝色的图钉贴在墙上.
  • Start a “one positive thing a day” jar or Ziplock bag. Every evening, think about one positive event that happened that day. 把它写在一张小纸上,折叠起来,然后把它放进你选择的容器里. 两周后,你会有14个积极的小提醒,并不是所有的事情都是消极的.
  • 当你感觉不舒服的时候,避免掉进社交媒体的兔子洞. 我知道这有多容易陷入. But then you’ll be in the artificial world instead of the real one. 如果你拿起电话,设置一个计时器,当闹钟响起时,把它放在一边.
  • Get busy and try to participate in activities even if you don’t feel like it. What about if you told yourself to attend the activity for, 假设, 15分钟, 如果你不喜欢, 然后你就可以离开了? Challenge yourself to at least out try it out.
  • Sign up for weekend trips, get out of Stanstead whenever you can. 离开你的房间和斯坦斯特德去别的地方会让你大开眼界, and mind and confirm that there is Canadian world apart from school. 尝试新的冬季活动是“震撼身体”的好方法,冬天寒冷的气温会唤醒身体.
  • Watch out if your “symptoms” and feelings persist for more than a week or two. 不要让别人用“你只是想家”和“你会没事的”来敷衍他们.“想家是真的,会让你感到沮丧、悲伤、流泪或孤独. You might have an upset stomach, headaches, or back pain. 其他人则很难集中注意力, 经历精力不足, 对任何事情都不“感兴趣”. Maybe you have lots of negative voices in your head. If this is the case, talk to someone in the 健康中心.
Remember, this is another adaptation that can feel like a rollercoaster. 我不是要你“享受这段旅程”,而是要你意识到,如果你今天情绪低落, 它会再次上升.

安德里亚·施密特是一名生活教练,专门从事青少年和前斯坦斯特德的父母(杰西卡·洛扎诺·施密特2018). 想了解更多关于她的服务 www.globalgirlcoach.com. 将您的建议和评论发送到 andrea@globalgirlcoach.com.      